Friday, 10 April 2015

Protection of Self

In the early hours of entering on to my spiritual path I had an extraordinary and painful experience. This seemed to coincide with a time after I had been reading some obscure ‘spiritual’ book loaned to me by a friend. The author had described in detail his extensive search for the Devil as he traversed on his journey through several countries over many years.  It was only the time when he stopped looking and rested for an evening in an old barn that he had let his guard down and the Devil appeared and swiped his head and removed half of his brain.  I assumed this was only figurative speaking but he also described himself as becoming spiritually incapacitated for quite some time because of this interaction with the Devil.

I set the book aside, thinking it was rather pretentious, and thought nothing more about it.  Several nights later it was only when I must have been drifting in a semi-conscious dream state that I was visited by a demon. My first awareness was of a vision of Death hovering in the entrance to my bedroom, and then immediately following this a demonic creature crawled out from underneath my bed, sinking its long, sharp talons into the middle of my back.  In my frozen sleep state I remember calling out to Archangel Michael for his protection but nothing would stop this demon from sinking its talons into my back no matter how often I called for help.  The pain felt so real as I continued to call for Archangel Michael to help me.  I could hear myself screaming in the mental body of my awareness but I was unable to manifest this into reality through sound from my throat. My fear was so great that eventually was able to wake myself up and break through the barrier between the sleep state and full consciousness, and then I released a sound of pure terror.  I called again for Archangel Michael to protect me and was able to feel him remove the demon from my presence.

After sharing this experience with several other LUXOR Light workers I began to realise that I was being tested in the time I was starting to allow my Heart Centre to open.  Access to all aspects of the body, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, easily occurs through the Creation Centre which is at the back of the Heart Centre.  I realised that I had not been protecting myself strongly enough and that I had left myself psychically open to being attacked.  This then enabled me to apply a high level of protection that I surrounded myself with and took into my control.  Announcing The Lord’s Prayer is another powerful invocation which could have been used to protect myself from discarnate entities.

As we begin to enter our spiritual path our vibrations and energy fields rise and produce higher levels of light. We become more vibrant and visually easier for these negative entities to see us, so establishing a form of protection for ourselves is extremely important. This is something I learned the hard way. :)