Sunday, 29 July 2018

Pineal Tones - Avalon Choir

2018 Avalon Choir - Glastonbury Node – Pineal Tones
May 23-25, 2018 - Bath, United Kingdom

A Global Call to All Pineal Tones Choir
Dr. Todd (Yawee) with the Avalon Choir in Bath, UK.

"I wish to take you back in time. Only thirty thousand years [ago] Lemuria was still high, 
and the water had not yet come up. I take you into a stadium, Yawee. It is filled with almost 
800 people. They are selected to be there, selected for their voices and their knowledge.
I want to take you there to feel this... four hundred are on one side facing the four hundred 
on the other side. You, Yawee, are in the middle, and they are singing pairs 
of pineal tones, creating quantum magic." 
~ Kryon, November 2010

'The mandate was made clear; to recreate the sacred, annual ritual performed by our Lemurian ancestors for the first time since the fall of Lemuria to activate the 
vibrational shifts necessary to carry us into a new galactic cycle
 beginning December 21, 2012.'

'On December 21, 2012 on the island paradise of Maui, we will transmit vocal harmonics through time and space, sending a message unsung for 26,000 years...'

Yawee (Dr Todd) added something very special to the program - the sacred energy 
of the intention of this higher purpose and the invitation to all of the old souls 
that are called to be there.

The Lemurian Choir in Avalon, Bath with Dr.Todd (Yawee) and Kryon (Lee Carroll) 
sounded to our Earth and to the Universe. Kryon has seen the full flavour of Arthurian 
legend and all the alchemy and magic of times. He has also seen how this energy is impacted and 
is profound and unique.

The increasing number of Pineal Tonal Codes occurring each year allows 
higher spiritual energies. In the past few years Yahee has added the 
Lemurian Lullabies. So many of us have described how the Lullabies would either 
bring us to tears, or would play continuously in our mind – or both – for days afterwards.
The latest Lemurian Lullaby 2 is amazing and beautiful for us to sing together.

In the Ley lines of Glastonbury the full flavour of Arthurian legend and all the alchemy 
and magic of times became available to us as we followed our path of grid activations. 
We created an energy bath that was a powerful enhancer for each of us individually.
It became an immense and powerful creation, where we almost believed we were pulling a 
magical sword out of a stone. The field seemed especially strong for this 
Gadarian gathering in Bath!

The choir has been organised with the two groups sounding two different tones since 2012. 
Lately, we also learn to sing together with the one tone, such as the Lemurian Lullabies.
This is beautiful and such a high level of sounding every time we continue to set up our choir toning.

The next Lemurian Choir in 2019 will be in Rila Mountain in Bulgaria, Europe.
Are you thinking of joining us in the Pineal Tones in Bulgaria this time next year?


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