Monday, 6 August 2018

Glastonbury - the Base of the Chalice Hill

The Base of the Chalice Hill - Glastonbury

The day after the Pineal Tonings with Dr. Todd, a large group of us who had spent the time setting the toning, organised a time to drive down to Glastonbury. This was where our energy was believed to be established from our sounding, but because it is quite a smaller area it was not possible to take the 400 group in to Glastonbury for the minimum of 3 days and who were required to sound the toning together. So we were required to organise the tonings in Bath instead.

Having the opportunity to spend time in the day at Glastonbury to feel the energy aspects that are based fully in the area was so amazing!

My group was organised to meet the first part of seeing the high positive energy in Glastonbury by walking along the road to meet with the Chalice Hill event in a small lane on the way to the Tor. We were shown the two pieces of water, the White and the Red Springs, which are running down constantly. The two springs are close together within a hundred metres of each other but their outputs are completely different. The water is believed to possess healing qualities. They are also believed by some that they have healing powers.

These pair of springs at the bottom of the Chalice Hill have been used for thousands of years. The White Spring on the right is classified as a female aspect of clean water inside the block, and the water pipe outside of the Chalice is always running.

The Red Spring pipe aspect in the left side of the Chalice Hill is classified as the male clean water. 
 It is also the area where people can drink the waters and find solace and peace.
The other belief that some follow is that the red water is the blood of the Mother Goddess, or Gaia!

The Chalice Well is established between the Chalice Hill and the Glastonbury Tor. The Chalice Hill is below the area of  the Chalice Well and there are myths and legends of the Holy Grail that are believed by many.  

The waters are acknowledged as the essence of life as the gift from Mother Earth to sustain its living forms.

When The White Spring path is opened you can walk inside and spend time focusing on the silence and meditation of the temple.

This is also seen as 'representing the blood of Christ miraculously springing forth from the ground when Joseph of Arimathea buried or washed the cup used at the Last Supper.' 
How amazing this could be believed!

The Welsh mythology describes a spring like Chalice Well and Chalice Hill as a gateway to the spirit world. This has occurred for more than two thousand years. 

Glastonbury is a power place of  potent transformational energies. A sacred site is a haven for pilgrims and spiritual seekers.  

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